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Warm and Engaged, Hand in Hand with the Sunset "- Green Renhe Respect for the Elderly Activity

source:    author: date:2017-08-19 visits:978
  On August 19, 2017, Green People and Love Service Society arrived at Beiguo Nursing Home and Jianqing Village's Five Guarantees households to embark on a journey of respecting the elderly.
  Volunteers celebrate a collective birthday for the elderly in August, singing a happy birthday song together, sharing delicious cakes, and sending them the most beautiful blessings; Make Wonton with the old man and chat together The elderly lack companionship and attention, and they are very happy and enthusiastic when they see our arrival. They chat with them about the past and their worries, making them feel even more warm.
  This time, we are accompanied by a volunteer from Malaysia, who is also a green person and the first foreign volunteer. His Mandarin is not very standard, but he is very diligent in communicating with the elderly and has won their love in a short period of time. With his encouragement, an old lady happily sang the red revolutionary ballad. His laughter, his humor, and his meticulous care for the elderly moved everyone present.
  We cannot do great things, but we can embrace great love to do small things, spread beauty with every drop of our love, and make the world beautiful because of you and me!
  Let's make a beautiful agreement, grandparents. We will come to see you again next month!
Green people, walking with you.
Green people and beauty because of you.